1 min read

Why an Integrated MIPI C-PHY/D-PHY IP is Essential

Licinio Sousa, Synopsys
Licinio Sousa, MIPI DevCon 2020 speaker

Licinio Sousa

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This presentation will describe the key advantages of the latest MIPI C-PHY℠ and D-PHY℠ specifications and how designers are implementing them in multipixel cameras and high-resolution displays targeting mobile, drone and automotive applications. It is essential to enable the fastest channels between image sensors and processors in SoCs for such cameras and displays, so a more integrated solution, where designers have the best of both PHYs, is very appealing. We will illustrate how to implement MIPI C-PHY and D-PHY while also interfacing with MIPI CSI-2℠ and DSI-2℠.


Licinio Sousa is currently a staff product marketing manager responsible for DesignWare MIPI IP solutions. Licinio brings more than 18 years of experience in semiconductor, IP and EDA companies, focusing on software and hardware design. He has also held various R&D, field applications, engineering and marketing positions at Synopsys.