Member Meeting #67
& Events

Taipei, Taiwan
9-13 September 2024

Member Meeting #67 Taipei

Member Meeting special events are open to Contributor-level members attending MIPI Alliance Member Meeting #67, 9-13 September.


New Attendee Session

Tuesday, 10 September
7:30-8:15 a.m., Grand Space C, 3F

Welcome new attendees! Whether you're a new MIPI member or it's your first time attending a MIPI member meeting, join us for this morning breakfast session to learn more about working groups, the specification adoption process and how to make the most of the week's working group sessions and other events.


Opening Plenary

Tuesday, 10 September
8:30-10 a.m., Grand Ballroom II, 5F

Join us to kick off the week with an update from MIPI Alliance Chair Sanjiv Desai, as well as presentations from MIPI Steering and Working Group chairs.


Social Reception

Wednesday, 11 September
5:30-7 p.m.

Take a midweek break for a social reception, where you can enjoy hors d'ouevres, drinks and a casual evening with colleagues.


Additional Events in Taipei


MIPI I3C & Debug Over I3C Plugfest

The Plugfest is open to MIPI members and nonmembers.

Monday-Tuesday, 9-10 September
8 a.m. - 6 p.m.

The I3C Working Group and and I3C Basic Ad Hoc Working Group are hosting a joint MIPI I3C®/I3C Basic℠ and MIPI Debug Over I3C℠ plugfest to offer implementers the opportunity to engage in interoperability testing between controller and target devices in a confidential environment protected by non-disclosure agreements (required for event access).

Learn more about the Plugfest.


MIPI Demo Day

Demo Day is open to MIPI members and nonmembers.

Wednesday, 11 September
10:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., Grand Ballroom I, 5F

Join us for MIPI Demo Day, an open forum for members to showcase their innovative solutions to meeting attendees, as well as area developers and engineers. In addition, MIPI technical experts will also be presenting short sessions on key topics. Stay tuned for updates—education sessions will be announced soon. Breaks and lunch will be served in the Demo area.

Learn more about MIPI Demo Day.