MIPI Battery Interface
Developed by: Battery Interface (HIBERNATED WORKING GROUP)
A “smart” interface for improving battery performance and safety
Quick Facts
Fundamental Features
- High performance
- Low power
- Low EMI
- Reduced I/O voltage
Use Cases
- Batteries for smartphones, tablets, laptops
- IoT devices
- Battery-powered tools
Physical Layer
Open drain, plus active or passive pull-up
Get the Specification
Current Version
MIPI BIF℠ v1.1.1 (March 2015)
Member version -
Previous Versions
All BIF versions are available to MIPI members on the member website (Causeway).
General Info
The MIPI Battery Interface, or MIPI BIFSM, is a single-wire hardware and software interface for connecting a power management chip in a device to a smart or low-cost rechargeable battery. It enables manufacturers to offer interoperable battery products, reduce chipset space, and streamline design, implementation and testing of components to accelerate time to market while lowering costs.
The interface was developed by the MIPI Alliance Battery Interface Working Group, which has since gone into hibernation after completing planned updates to its v1.0 specification.
The interface is especially designed for the steadily reducing IO supply voltages in modern chipsets. It uses an open drain transistor with a bus pull-up circuit on the master side as physical interface. The pull-up can be passive or active.
MIPI Battery Interface can be used with smart or low-cost batteries, and removable and embedded batteries. It can also be applied in smartphones, tablets, laptops, IoT devices, and anything with a rechargeable battery, such as battery-powered tools.
Latest Release
The current version, v1.1.1, released in 2015 as an editorial update to 2014’s v1.1, facilitates the use of high-performance batteries and adds communications methods that improve battery safety and overall performance. It includes a fuel gauge, and charging enhancements to support safe charging and operation. It can verify whether a battery is genuine to prevent against counterfeiting, and characterize the health of the battery and charge.
Note: The specification is available only to MIPI Alliance members. For information about joining MIPI Alliance, visit Join MIPI.