MIPI Debug Over IPS
MIPI Debug Over Internet Protocol Sockets (IPS)
Developed by: Debug Working Group
A technology for using MIPI debug protocols over the Internet Protocols using the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and/or User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
Debug & Trace Portfolio
MIPI Alliance has a portfolio of specifications that can be used to debug components in mobile devices as well as any device that is “smart” or connected, such as an end-point on the Internet of Things (IoT). Components that can be debugged with the tools include application processors, modems, device controllers, power management devices and others.
The debug portfolio includes the "MIPI Debug Over” (MDO) family of specifications, which define how to transmit debug and trace data to and from the debug and test system on functional networks. These specifications map debug capabilities to a particular functional network. Unlike the MIPI Narrow Interface for Debug and Test (NIDnT) specification, the network interface and protocol stack function normally. The MDO family of specifications simply defines how to adapt the various MIPI debug protocols (e.g., MIPI SneakPeek Protocol) so they can co-exist with other network traffic (as normal application layer functions).
All MIPI debug and trace specifications, including MIPI Debug Over IPS, are available for download and use by the public and the open source community. MIPI members enjoy benefits including access to relevant licenses and opportunities to participate in development activities, interoperability workshops and other events.
The MIPI Debug Working Group welcomes contributions to the specification. If your company is a Contributor member, you can join the working group on the MIPI member website. Please contact us if you have any questions or would like additional information about MIPI debug solutions and your question will be forwarded to the working group.

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Current Version
MIPI Debug Over IPS v1.0.1 (October 2024)
Member version | Public version -
Previous Versions
MIPI Gigabit Debug for IPS v1.0 (July 2016)
Member version | Request public version
The Debug Over IP Sockets (DO-IPS) specification, part of the MDO family of specifications, describes methods for transporting debug and trace data over the Internet Protocol (IP), a data transport network, using one or other of the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) that can utilize IP Sockets. It defines the steady-state data flow, including a reliability layer for UDP and the session management mechanisms used to initiate that steady-state. Because it is IP-based, engineers can use it to debug devices via Wi-Fi or Ethernet connections. Any device that is smart or connected is a candidate for debugging via MIPI Debug Over IPS.
Specification Highlights
Debug Over IPS provides mechanisms to perform debug by using Internet Protocols Sockets and describes the communication between a Debug and Test System (DTS) and a Target System (TS) over the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and/or User Datagram Protocol (UDP). This communication is used for:
- Basic debug control, such as halt mode debugging of processors; and/or
- Tracing, where streams of data are emitted from a TS to be decoded and analyzed in a DTS.
For UDP, the Debug Over IPS specification defines a reliable link where data is delivered to and from the debug application layer in order and without any data loss or repetition, referred to as MIPI Reliable UDP (MRUDP). MRUDP is designed to be lightweight compared with TCP, and includes only enough features to satisfy the communication needs of the MIPI debug functions. MRUDP is also designed to be simple enough to be implemented in hardware, though software implementations are also possible.
MIPI Debug Over IPS facilitates debug over both TCP and UDP protocols in IP-oriented networks. A key feature is its ability to improve the reliability of UDP to prevent the potential corruption of trace data.
The specification gives developers the option of implementing the technique in either hardware or software. The ability to use software reduces costs and facilitates the remote testing of devices that are already deployed in the market.
Key Capabilities
MIPI Debug Over IPS offers key capabilities that make the interface scalable and flexible for use in applications throughout a product's lifecycle:
- Enables debug functions to use Internet Protocol Sockets
- Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
- User Datagram Protocol (UDP)
- Encompasses the full range of an IP network
- Including small, private LANs up to a large WAN incorporating many routers, or even a VPN over the public Internet.
- Uses a client/server model
- DTS implements one or many clients
- TS implements a multi-client server
- Network layer might utilize Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) to provide secure connections across some or all of the network
- Uses a specific port number (0x1DB6 hexadecimal, 7606 decimal) and the service name (mipi-debug)
- Registered with the IANA as being reserved for use by Network Adaptors in the TS
- Provides a reliable link for UDP (i.e., MIPI Reliable UDP)
- Data delivered to and from the debug application layer in order and without any data loss or repetition
- Lightweight compared with TCP
- Can be implemented in hardware
Diagrams & Tables
Debug Capabilities per Adjacent Industries »
(best viewed on desktop)
System Functional/Application Modules (click to enlarge image below)
The diagram below shows the standard MIPI debug architecture highlighting the functional area addressed by the Debug Over IPS specification.