Download MIPI Debug Over IPS


To transport debug controls and data between a debug and test system and a target system


MIPI Debug Over IP Sockets (MIPI Debug Over IPS) is an adapter that can implement MIPI SneakPeek and the MIPI Gigabit Trace Framework to facilitate remote debugging of all types of connected devices, from smartphones to end points on the Internet of Things (IoT). Because it is IP-based, engineers can use it to debug devices via Wi-Fi or Ethernet connections. Any device that is smart or connected is a candidate for debugging via MIPI Debug Over IPS.

MIPI Debug Over IPS facilitates debug over both TCP and UDP protocols in IP-oriented networks. A key feature is its ability to improve the reliability of UDP to prevent the potential corruption of trace data.

The specification gives developers the option of implementing the technique in either hardware or software. The ability to use software reduces costs and facilitates the remote testing of devices that are already deployed in the market.

MIPI Debug Over IPS was developed by the MIPI Debug Working Group. The current version, v1.0.1, was released in October 2024.

All MIPI debug and trace specifications, including MIPI Debug Over IPS, are available for download and use by the public and the open source community. Members of the MIPI Alliance enjoy benefits including access to relevant licenses and opportunities to participate in development activities, interoperability workshops and other events.

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